I went out shooting witht this hottie today. There's a whole series coming up, these are just some samples, and you know what? They are sort of awesome. I really like them anyway. 'Smiiiley
This song makes me smile. And dance. Like alot. Hope it makes you smile and dance alot too. Merry christmas!
I haven't shot nice photos for ages. It's always dark outside and as we both know, winter in Norway is cold. Even colder when it's dark. Even though I really don't like winter, it's such a pretty season, one of the best to shoot. Apart from summer, wich is really the most awesome of them all. Did I mention that I love sun? Oh i did? A lot? Okay, I'll shut up. Anyway. Yeah. So. Well this is a super random post, now isn't it? Guess I'll post another song and another photo i never published before, then. And when I actually get around to shooting some winter-photos you'll be the first to know. Exept for me, of course. And probably Vilde. 'Cause I want her to model. Therefore we both have to know before you. And my journal will know, I tell my journal absolutely everything. Things I didn't even know myself. I learn a lot that way. Yup, clever, I know. So, well. Ok. Around christmas I'll post photos. That was what I wanted to say.
Got this song from my Australian pen-pal. Charlotte, your taste in music is kind of awesome.