Today was purple-day.
Is purple-day. I didn't even know it was before I was told so at school. Yes, I'm always up to date on everything, I know.
Or not... Seriously, I got to school thinking it was tuesday. Fantastic. I deserve a good round of apluase.Buut, to the point, purple-day. It's a day where you are supposed to show your support of gay rights and thereby gay people. I believe the motivation was four young boys commiting suicide because they were harassed for being gay. I hope those bullies who made them do that keep their feeling of guilt forever.
People should not have to kill them selves before a topic becomes an issue, though.
Why do people even think of being rude because of something like that? I mean, seriously, what's the deal? Being gay is no bigger deal than what haircolor or what bodyshape you have.
Well, people do harass others because of their size as well, don't they? As for that, get a life. Not everybody has the same build or body shape. Get over it.
It's not like it wrong or contagious. Get a grip, find something better to do with your life than bullying. Anyway, I'm gonna stop this quite long blogpost now before I get all agressive. Or more agressive. Whatever.
Conclusion - smile, be open minded and awesome and you'll get far.
